Welcome to The Lemon Aid Network's Digital Video Production 101 Instructional Unit.

On this page, you will find a table with links to recommended resources to watch on YouTube.



Learn new digital videography skills and polish up your old skills in an online educational setting.

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NOTICE - The Digital Video Production 101 class being offered to the public on this site is NOT accredited by any accredidation system nor with any public or private educational system. It is a FREE self-directed, personal enrichment class for anyone interested in actually creating basic digital video products using readily available electronic tools.


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NEW! We are offering a series of digital video production classes we call -

Digital Video Production 101.

The series will focus on all aspects of private, entertainment and commercial digital video production, with an introduction to UI/UX.

The objective of this instructional approach is to develop a community of skilled digital videographers who work in a collaborative setting.

There will be recomended reading list.

The instructor"s credentials can be viewed by clicking the "About Us" icon at the bottom of this page.


The following table contains links to YouTube channels that specialize in explaining various aspects of digital video production.


YouTube Resource Links
Basic Video https://youtu.be/BFwMRVwrKcA?si=PGouqnvGsZbYs_xq    
New Editing Program https://youtu.be/LyZ1nZtpYgM?si=rw2PFZ0bE59M-w98    
Home Video Production https://youtu.be/qrPwt7KJP6g?si=Ck7S2Y9N_zw3BEH_    
New AI editor https://youtu.be/dCP8AkVDFDc?si=Uy39e4kh9famJmE0    
Story Board Software https://youtu.be/i0cdKQsPPGA?si=pcAGV3jih9Kc1hlh    
Story Board Theory https://youtu.be/-578C3gFepU?si=2AO-bDJYOA3HK9O4    
Story Board Theory https://youtu.be/AyDbN1hpFzA?si=d8lgRMedKSq61HVd    
Cinematic Camera Movement https://youtu.be/bH83JcnrWiQ?si=7J73jz_LFvQRgwM4    




NEW! - Click here to see an example of a slide show presentation made with Google Slides.


NEW! Click here to view a rough draft of the 2023-24 Digital Video Production 101 class syllabus.


The Lemon Aid Network is an Educational Portal that focuses on instruction in creating media by using electronic methods.


Media Instruction Selections

Click the highlighted selections on the following menu to visit each area of instruction/ discussion home page.

Discussion Lessons will be available on Google Docs. Instructor lectures will be available on YouTube.

Check back for details.

Instructional Assets on The Lemon Aid Network
Home Pages        
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Home Page Bookstore Radio Production Unit Video Production Unit Music Production Unit


Home Pages        
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Live Theater Production Unit Digital Video Production 101

Television Production Unit

The Lemon Aid BOO-Teek, Amazon Catalog. Pops Spedster And Company Special Education Site



For instructional purposes, this site uses actual examples for discussion purposes.

These examples focus on the various areas of instruction in each media category listed above.


One video instructional unit is based on examples that include, but are not limited to -




FREE streaming episodes on the Video Production Media Page of a full-length video created during the Covid Pandemic which is a parody of classic Hollywood zombie films.


Read the original screen play on Google Docs by clicking on this poster -


Discussion Lessons for this video project will be available on Google Docs.

Check back for details.


Rough draft examples for three media discussions used in this curriculum can be found on Wistia.com at -







FREE streaming episodes 1, 2 and 3a.

Enjoy the 3 episodes streaming for free. If you feel you benefitted from these lessons, feel free to donate as little as $5 by clickng the "Donate Now" button below.











NEW! Links to Amazon Prime movies will be listed here. You will need to log into your Amazon account to watch the movies.

Prime Video Link #1 -


"Fantastic Voyage".

Click on the image and/or title above to go directly to Amazon Video and to the title of this late 1960s Scifi feature in which scientists shrink with a vessel to enter a human body and blow up a blood clot.


Once on Amazom Video, you will need to log into your own Amazon Video account to arrange any payments or to select viewing options.



The Lemon Aid Network publishes content on both YouTube and on Facebook.


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Donate to keep free things free. This is a link to our secure Square account where you can make a donation to our non-profit entity for as little as $5.



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Updated 11/08/2023
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Pops Spedster And Company is an Oregon-based 501c3 non-profit, registered with the Oregon Secretary of State's office.

Information about our company can be found at -

Business Registry Business Name Search (state.or.us)


About Us




Copyright 2023 - James M. Kemp DBA Pops Spedster And Company